

Ayurveda is a word derived as a combination of Ayu &Veda. It is nothing but the knowledge of health -"The way of living". This is a systematic treatment which differs itself from that of the symptomatic one. Here the root cause for the disease is treated. There is a reference of aushadhis (medicines) in Vedas itself. Rushi Dhanvantari, Charak,Shushrutha, Vagbhatta and other seers have contributed to the maximum extent to this field of science. In the present age Acharya Balakrishna the Ayurveda Shiromani is placing his gigantic contributions in this field. Apart from running institutions like Divya Pharmacy and Patanjali Ayurved Ltd. a noble work of herbal encyclopedia "Vishwa Bheshaja Samhitha" dealing with nearly 5,000 herbs is undertaken by him.

Swasthatha (Absolute Health ) according to Ayurveda is the one where balance exists among doshas (vata,pitta,kafa) , agnis (bhootagni etc) ,dhatus (rasa,raktha,mansa etc),malakriys (excretory functions) along with the pleasure of soul, mind and organs. Basing on this ideal, Patanjali Yog Peeth aims for its bringing back of the glory of Ayurveda, the ancient science to the mankind with its optimum utility. Avoidance of the unnecessary expenditure in medicines, investigations etc are possible only with Ayurvedic approach. All the medicines of Ayurveda are tonics and have zero side effects.